
Is this trip for me?

This exclusive retreat is designed for individuals committed to personal development, offering an opportunity to deepen your practice and nurture your mind, body, and spirit in the company of like-minded individuals. Centered around African spirituality and the quest to rediscover our soul's purpose, this transformative 7-day journey will leave you with a profound understanding of yourself and your physical being, empowering you with renewed vitality and a clear path forward for your family and community. Embrace and unleash the inherent magic within you through this enriching experience that will truly rejuvenate your spirit.

We will embark on a transformative journey together, embracing love, yoga, nourishing food, releasing the past, forging deep connections, exploring plant medicine, immersing ourselves in nature, enjoying the beaches, engaging in ceremonies, and much more. Our previous experiences have fostered strong bonds and connections, and we are already filled with excitement to meet those of you this experience attracts.

What am i going to experience?

An immersive journey of self-discovery through the practice of yoga, meditation, and sound, all seamlessly integrated to enhance your presence and engagement as a family or community member, both at work and at home. This specially tailored program is ideal for parents seeking to cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and their children in a family-oriented setting.

This journey promises to be a unique and safe space where you can fully express your beautiful self and thrive effortlessly, knowing that our facilitators will provide a secure environment. Age, gender, and race are irrelevant as we come together as souls, creating a harmonious energy that uplifts our spirits and leaves us with a renewed sense of self to share with our loved ones upon our return.

What is the accommodation like?

This picturesque beachfront setting will be our home for the week, offering cozy ambiance and lighting that sets the perfect tone for our stay. Each room is equipped with a safe, and the property is secured for our peace of mind, even though we are in a safe and tranquil location with minimal disruptions. This will be our sanctuary of absolute comfort and serenity.

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What will the food be like?

Traditional Tanzanian cuisine with an alkaline infusion prepared daily with care and a dedication to delighting our palates. Each meal is crafted with the utmost positive energy. Locally and organically sourced ingredients are delivered daily to guarantee freshness for every shared meal, fostering a sense of newfound family unity. Each meal will be mouthwateringly delicious 100% guaranteed!

Zanzibar is known as the "Spice Island" due to its historical significance as a major hub for the spice trade in the Indian Ocean region. The island's fertile soil and tropical climate make it ideal for growing a wide variety of spices such as cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and black pepper. These aromatic spices have been cultivated on the island for centuries, attracting traders from around the world and earning Zanzibar its reputation as a prominent spice-producing region.

Why ceremony?

Ceremonial gatherings play a significant role in our activities, infusing ritual into every aspect of our retreat, from communal meals to sharing thoughts and emotions. These ceremonies create an intimate and affectionate atmosphere that nurture connections among all participants. Each ceremony is guided by a designated ceremonialist, determined by the host and the specific nature of the ceremony. Rest assured, you can anticipate a warm and well-held experience knowing that you are in good hands.

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Why Tanzania and what are the people like?

Tanzanian people are so warm and loving, consistently showing their affection and creating a non-judgmental environment. Despite our background in a society often perceived as affluent and trouble-free, we have found that embracing Tanzanian culture with genuine interest is met with respect. Upon arriving in Tanzania, you will quickly realise the contrast with any prior negative perceptions, as the clear waters and friendly smiles exude a healing and comforting energy.

We’ll embark on a boat excursion to discover the crystal-clear blue waters of Zanzibar, where the warmth of the indian ocean rejuvenates our souls. Swimming with turtles is a must-do activity on the island, we’ll visit the sanctuary as a group.

A unique natural swimming pool in Paje, Zanzibar. A special place to reconnect with nature, explore the underground life, relax and enjoy the peace. The word Maalum means Special in Swahili language.

The national park Jazoni Forest is the exclusive habitat of a unique species of monkey found nowhere else. Explore the lush forest on a guided tour to discover the diverse array of fruits and herbs, offering a rejuvenating experience for a leisurely stroll and engaging conversation.

Organic farm to table experience supporting the farming that we align with fully - a wonderful day gaining knowledge on local herbs, teas, fruits and veggies.

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What is Afrikan yoga and how is it different?

Afrikan yoga draws inspiration from the diverse indigenous traditions and spiritual practices of the Afrikan continent. It incorporates movement, dance, music, and storytelling as integral components of the practice, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Afrikan communities. Afrikan yoga often emphasises a holistic approach to wellness, incorporating elements of community, nature, and ancestral wisdom into the practice.

While both Indian yoga and African yoga share the goal of promoting health, harmony, and spiritual growth, they differ in their cultural origins, philosophical foundations, and specific practices. Each tradition offers a unique perspective on the path to self-discovery and inner peace, reflecting the diversity and richness of human experience across different cultures.

What will i get for my money?

This retreat has been meticulously crafted with deep compassion and attention to detail. Every facilitator, excursion, and venue, including our dedicated staff, has been thoughtfully chosen to prioritise your personal growth and well-being. The profound energy infused into this event may only be fully appreciated once you are present, as retreats have the transformative power to profoundly impact lives. While the value of such an experience is immeasurable, we trust that the exchange ensures fair compensation for all individuals who have contributed their energy to creating this transformative journey. This reciprocity allows us to continue our work and fosters a sense of balance and harmony for both your healing and ours. Please consider this intangible aspect alongside the tangible offerings outlined below.

We also prioritise our awareness of the local landowners and surrounding community, ensuring that we actively support and engage with the indigenous inhabitants of the land we will be exploring.

Terms and conditions including our cancellation policy here


Would you like to get to know and love yourself deeper with a group of like-minded people in a safe and loving container?

This retreat is for those who have been diligently working on self-improvement, engaging in introspection to navigate life's challenges, yet struggling to find individuals with whom they can share their personal growth for deeper integration. While your longstanding friends may not align with your evolving values, it's not a matter of them lagging behind; rather, you have chosen a different path. Despite maintaining love, enjoyment with them, there is a sense of something missing, leading to a cycle of conforming to fit in and regressing to previous patterns. This cycle can impact the spirit and subconscious mind, hindering progress and perpetuating familiar cycles.

Does this resonate with you? We understand the apprehension that can come with stepping out of your comfort zone, as we have personally navigated that journey. Being in the company of like-minded individuals in a supportive environment can be transformative, allowing you to strengthen your sense of self and identity. By incorporating yoga, which recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul, we can address limitations and welcome new connections. Through practices such as meditation and sound healing, we can cultivate positive thought patterns. Exploring unfamiliar landscapes and cultures can also broaden our perspectives and foster personal growth. By embracing these diverse experiences, you can return home with a deeper understanding of yourself and a stronger grounding in your true identity.

This trip offers a unique opportunity for profound self-discovery and personal growth. Every aspect has been meticulously planned to facilitate exploration in new directions and equip you with the tools to integrate these experiences into your daily life on your return home. Whether you are a parent seeking to deepen your connection with your children or simply yearning to live authentically and embrace the life you desire, this journey is designed to focus on your individual journey and self-connection, fostering personal development. Expect to gain clarity on your identity, the type of individuals you wish to engage with, and the path you envision for your future.

The medicine is WITHIN, you just need the right enviroment to allow it to shine through your soul, we’ve GOT YOU!!!



          ***10% discount for full payment ends on March 4th***